We can turn your trees into woodworking projects - and work with your builder to bring your trees back to your home.

loading a pack of locally sourced lumber into the kiln

Your Lumber.

Milling the lumber is only the first step in turning your trees into usable woodworking lumber. We offer lumber drying in our iDry vacuum kiln, planing up to 24” wide, and flooring services to help you achieve your woodworking dreams. We are also certified to grade structural lumber via NH’s Native Lumber Law.

large white ash log from a front yard being milled into lumber

Your Logs.

Have some trees coming down around your house? Love the idea of them returning to your property in lumber form? We can custom mill logs to meet your specifications. It can be very meaningful to have old trees repurposed into tables, flooring, etc. for future generations to enjoy.

white pine logs destined for house siding

Your Trees.

We get it: there are a lot of trees in New Hampshire. And there aren’t many great options between expensive arborist work and whole tree logging crews. We provide low impact “forest landscaping” services to fill that gap; field-edge clearing, understory thinning, and small-scale timber stand improvement work.